L.E.A.D To Hold Second Annual 5K In October

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Law Enforcement Against Drugs (L.E.A.D.) is hosting it’s second annual 5k Run/Walk at Asbury Park’s Bradley Park on Saturday, Oct. 2, at 9 a.m.

Burlington County Sheriff’s Department Takes the L.E.A.D. in Teaching Students About Drug and Alcohol Prevention

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The Burlington County Sheriff’s Department is launching a L.E.A.D (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) education program in partnership with the Burlington County Municipal Alliance Program and expects to begin teaching students in local schools this fall. L.E.A.D offers evidenced-based curriculum for kindergarten up to 12th grade about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, along with anti-bullying and violence programs. The program was created in 2014 as an alternative to traditional D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) classes taught by police officers to elementary school students for decades, according to information provided by the county.

A L.E.A.D. Hero has been lost to Covid-19

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It is with profound sadness that we must report that Glen Ridge L.E.A.D INSTRUCTOR, Police Officer and PBA Local 58 member Charles “Rob” Roberts has lost his long and valiant… Read more

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