Sheriff Kevin Rambosk Named L.E.A.D National Partner of the Year

Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk was honored Monday for his commitment to protecting children from the risk of drugs and violence when he was awarded the Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence National Partner of the Year award.
“We want to congratulate Kevin on his tremendous dedication and service to the L.E.A.D. organization throughout the U.S.,” L.E.A.D Executive Director and Chief Executive Office Nick DeMauro said in a release. “His loyalty to the L.E.A.D. program has been phenomenal, which we commend him on.”
L.E.A.D, which operates in 37 states, provides leadership and resources so law enforcement agencies can work with educators, community leaders and families on an anti-drug, anti-violence curriculum for K-12 students. Officers and educators teach the curriculum to children and teenagers, emphasizing how they can make smart decisions without the involvement of drugs.
Rambosk, who discovered the program in 2019 and became a member of the L.E.A.D Board of Directors this year, has his agency’s Youth Relations Bureau teach the program, Too Good for Drugs, to students across Collier County.
The program seeks to reduce alcohol, marijuana and tobacco use among students. For more information on L.E.A.D., click here.
“This was a commitment I was happy to make,” said Rambosk said in the release. “The effort we are putting into young people through the organization are helping them to become solid, law-abiding members of the community.”
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